Our Parish
/ About / Our Parish

St. Herman of Alaska Orthodox Church was founded in 1974 to serve the Orthodox Christian community residing in Oxnard, under the jurisdiction of the Autocephalous Orthodox Church in America (OCA). As a parish in the OCA’s Diocese of the West (DOW), St. Herman’s is guided by His Eminence, Archbishop Benjamin of San Francisco and the West.

The parish began as a handful of families and individuals meeting in rented spaces until 1976, when the parish purchased its first owned property at 142 W. Wooley Road, Oxnard, CA, where it still is today. This was originally intended to be a short-term arrangement for the parish while looking into different options for a permanent home, but by God’s providence the parish has been at this location ever since, becoming a long-standing member of the surrounding community.

St. Herman’s invites all to attend the divine services of the Church and join our community in prayer and worship. Come and see the faith that has been passed down for nearly 2,000 years, from Christ’s Apostles to Oxnard’s citizens.


St. Herman Orthodox Church
142 W Wooley Rd
Oxnard, California 93030
‪(805) 330-1054

  • Sat

    5:30-6:30pm Great Vespers
  • Sun

    9:40 Hours
    10:00 Divine Liturgy
  • Sat

    5:30-6:30pm Great Vespers

St. Herman Orthodox Church
142 W Wooley Rd; Oxnard, CA 93030